The West Bengal Staff Selection Commission declared the WBSSC Krishi Prayukti Sahayak recruitment notification of the post of Krishi Prayukti Sahayak among the 1204 vacancies on the official site So all the capable and eligible candidates visit the official site and may apply for this post online.
So the qualified candidates submit their application form within a time limit. Candidates start to submit an online application form between 9th March 2022 to 8th April 2022.
The West Bengal Staff Selection Commission is known as WBSSC. WBSSC is working under a state government of West Bengal State. Now it declared the latest job recruitment on the main portal. So the eligible candidates may apply to the official site. The eligibility criteria for this recruitment as given below.
WBSSC Krishi Prayukti Sahayak Recruitment 2022:
The WBSSC has released the recruitment notification of the Krishi Prayukti Sahayak on the official site. So the eligible aspirants can apply for this post. The eligibility criteria such as eligibility criteria, selection process, age limit, educational qualification, and the application fee are shown below.
- Name of the Organization: West Bengal Staff Selection Commission (WBSSC)
- Name of the job: Krishi Prayukti Sahayak
- Number of Vacancies: There is a total 1204 number of vacancies available.
- Job Location: The job is located in West Bengal State, India.
- Job Type: This is a state Government job.
Educational Qualifications:
The applicants who applied for this post must complete their Higher Secondary or its equivalent in the recognized board or university or institutions.
Age limit:
The applicants should have a minimum of 18 years and a maximum of 40 years. The above age relaxation should give to the engaged candidates as per the government norms.
Pay Scale:
The payment is given to the candidates from Rs.5400/- to Rs.25200/- with the grade pay up to Rs.2900/-.
Important dates:
- Starting date of the Application Form filling process: 9th March 2022
- Last Date for Submitting the Online Application Form: 8th April 2022
Check: Railway Recruitment 2022
Application Fee:
Candidates should pay the application fee as per the government rules and regulations. The application fee must be pay through E-Challan/ Debit Card/ Credit Card or Internet Banking.
Selection Process:
The selection process will be based on Written Test and Interview which is conducted by WBSSC.
How to Apply for the WBSSC KPS Recruitment 2022?
Eligible candidates follow the steps for the WBSSC Krishi Prayukti Sahayak Recruitment 2022 as shown in below.
- Candidates first visit the Official site at
- Then on the home page click on the Career tab.
- Find the link “WBSSC Krishi Prayukti Sahayak Recruitment 2022” and click on that.
- Then all information is read carefully and fill in.
- Then upload your passport size photo and scanned signature and click on submit button.
- Then download it and take a printout for further use.
Official Site: