UAN Login: UAN Activation and Online Registration

The Universal Account Number (UAN) is a 12-digit number issued to every provident fund account holder by the Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO). This UAN is a permanent, unique and portable number which makes it easier for employees to manage their provident funds, even when they change the employer.

In this article, you will learn about the UAN Activation and Registration Process, as well as the UAN Login process.

What is UAN?

UAN stands for Universal Account Number which is basically a 12-digit code allotted to Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) members. The Employee Provident Fund scheme is the most popular form of social security system in India. This scheme helps employees save for their future by contributing a certain portion of their salary as a retirement fund.

The UAN number acts as an identifier to each individual and is used to keep track of the individual’s contributions and also avail various services associated with it. It serves as bridge that links various services provided by EPFO such as EPF transfers, PF withdrawals, checking your balance, updating or retrieving your passbook, and various other administrative tasks related to EPF accounts.

UAN further helps streamline the process of maintaining multiple Accounts amongst different employers. By linking all these accounts with the respective members UAN number, the amount would transfer at one go rather than transferring individual account’s Funds every time an employee switches jobs.

Additionally, using this service employees can also now check their EPF balance online without having to visit an office or contact their employer since this information gets stored in EPFO’s online database accessible through UAN activation services.

This opens up avenues for faster processing time and quick action from EPFO’s end on any of its services with minimal documentation requirement in order for members to access them directly through their UAN activated account respectively.

Benefits of UAN

Universal Account Number (UAN) is a 12-digit number issued by the Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO), which serves as an umbrella for all the provident fund accounts held by a person in his/her lifetime. The UAN is allotted to members enrolling themselves under the Employees’ Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952.

UAN offers many advantages to both employers and employees. By linking multiple PF numbers to a single account, it minimizes paperwork and helps in better organization of documents. It also makes claims settlement much easier since employers no longer need to look up different individual ids or undergo tedious transfers between multiple PF accounts.

Most importantly, it ensures transparency in the system by making available information on contributions and settlements more easily accessible and transparent. This way, it allows employers to check their members’ activity instantly from one single source of data.

Additionally, UAN also allows employers to upload digitally signed documents for submission instead of traditional paper based documents which considerably improved processing time for claims settlements.

For employees, UAN gives access to view pension details online or via SMS; enables transfer of EPF balances online; follows them through changing jobs with automatic verification of records with new or previous employer; keeps track of withdrawals made during service periods; saves time and resources during routine processes due to its automated services; provides option of checking EPF balance before contribution towards payment services like insurance premium; facilitates withdrawal request with less paper work due automatic linkage between users’ current & former accounts etc.

There are several other benefits that come along with UAN such as fast settlement process, better control over your EPF balance and complete flexibility while transferring employer’s contribution amount towards EPF account using digital signatures instead of manual ones etc

UAN Activation

UAN activation is a process required for Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) members who want to access the online. UAN stands for Universal Account Number, a 12 digit code which is provided by EPFO and is used to manage each person’s EPF accounts. In this article, we will discuss the process of UAN activation and provide some information on how to register and login to the UAN portal.

UAN Activation Process

Activating and registering for UAN (Universal Account Number) provides the required authentication for many of the advantages offered by Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO). Activation is mandatory for employees to be able to avail various facilities like checking current provident fund balance, transferring provident balance on leaving a job and others. A UAN is necessary to access their PF account online at the EPF India website.

Activation of your UAN is straightforward and could be completed in a few steps, as mentioned below:

Step 1: Visit the EPFO website, and click on ‘UAN’ in the top section of the homepage.

Step 2: Click on Generate your UAN option online.

Step 3: You will then be redirected to a new page that would ask you to fill relevant information such as Name; Father/Husband’s Name; Date of Birth; Gender; State; City; Address etc. After filling all details correctly click on ‘Get PIN’ option at below on same page to generate PIN at your registered mobile number with EPF Portal.

Step 4: Enter received PIN in Proper field and click ‘Validate OTP’ button provided below it, followed by clicking ‘Submit Details’ button available there after verified all details entered by you carefully once again before submission it finally get result ‘Application Details Added Successfully.’

Message along with 12 digit UAN generated number which got displayed automatically to complete next stage of activation process calls e-KYC authentication through Aadhar Card Uploading Option only approved by Government authority since 01-01-2019 onwards which include uploading Electronic Aadhar Card PDF File & Photographs etc.

providing some other mandatory documents also along with old passport size photograph signed who wants draw benefit through this portal getting activated online itself to use EPFO facilities thereafter registered under it anymore thereafter only they are allowed further open a login account at epfosewa portal associated themselves.

Documents Required for UAN Activation

In order to activate your Universal Account Number (UAN), you will need to provide certain documents for verification. This includes your Aadhar Card, PAN card and Bank Account details. Once you have gathered all the documents you need, you can proceed with UAN activation either online or offline.

Online Activation Requirements
-Copy of PAN Card
-Copy of your Aadhaar Card (For KYC purposes)
-Aadhaar linked bank account details such as IFSC code, account number, etc.
-Registered Mobile Number & Email ID (To receive OTPs and other notifications)
-Active Facebook/Google/LinkedIn account (For social media logins).

Offline Activation Requirements
-Copy of Identity Proof documents like Aadhaar Card or Voter Id card or Passport, etc., which must be submitted in original at the EPF Office.
-Copy of latest salary slips with Organization Name, Address and PF Code clearly mentioned on it.
-Copy of cancelled cheque showing applicant’s bank account details and signature on it.

UAN Registration

UAN stands for Universal Account Number which is the 12 digit unique identifier for all provident fund members. UAN activation and registration allow EPF investors to view the EPF balance, check the claim status, and more. Activating and registering for UAN can be done online, and this article will guide you through the process of UAN activation and registration.

UAN Registration Process

The UAN Registration process is a simple yet comprehensive procedure designed to help employers and employees manage their Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF). It is mandatory for everyone to activate their Universal Account Number (UAN) for EPF transactions.

The UAN is a 12-digit alphanumeric number, which makes it easier to keep track of Provident Fund (PF) contributions from multiple sources of employment. This guide will inform you about the step-by-step process for UAN registration, activation and EPF login.

Before we begin, here’s a quick preview on what will be covered:
– Understanding UAN: What Is Universal Account Number (UAN)?
– Prerequisite Details For UAN Activation
– Steps To Follow For UAN Registration Online
– Benefits Of Activating Your Universal Account Number (UAN)

It’s important to note that all employers are required by law to provide their employees with the necessary details to register within 30 days of taking up employment. In order to apply effectively, the following documents have to be made available. These documents should be obtained from the employer by providing the employee with the respective forms – Form 11 & Form 13 – which should then be completed and submitted back:
– Aadhaar Card or PAN Card Of The Employee
– Bank Account Details Of The Employee
– Name And Address Of Company / Establishment Details

Once these details are provided, one can easily proceed with UAN registration online. Here’s a step by step guide:
Step #1 – Visit The Official Portal – Visit and click on ‘Activate Your UAN’ option on left side of your screen as shown below in screenshot

Step #2 – Provision Of Login Credentials – Now enter all necessary information such as your name, date of birth and registered mobile number or email address in appropriate fields as mentioned in image below..

Step #3 – OTP Verification & Password Selection – Upon completion you might receive an OTP verification on your mobile phone or email address which has been used while registering your details initially . After entering OTP selections , first type new password meeting required specifications under password section .Reenter same password again for conformation .

Step #4 – Completion Of Process – Lastly click on submit button after which there will be two pop up messages as mentioned below in concerned window and click ok button thereafter : “Your activation request has been sent successfully…

Please wait for sometime until it gets approved .. Thank you !” “Your password has been sent out successfully… Please use this one time password along with username & DOB in order to get access ..

Thank You !” After successfully completing these steps one can now access his/her fund account online through universal account number Login window available at bottom right corner.. Privileges allowed when availing this service once activated are listed below :

• View Current Balance On Fund Account • Access updated report concerning investments , withdrawals etc. • Download complete statement related to investments • Track card information like EPFO ID , HDFC bank etc.

Documents Required for UAN Registration

When applying for a Universal Account Number (UAN), an individual must provide certain documents that match the details they have provided in the online application form. These documents are necessary to ensure the accuracy and correctness of data, as well as to comply with government regulations.

Some documents must be submitted along with your UAN application forms, including KYC documents such as Aadhaar card or PAN card. The following is a list of documents typically required for UAN registration:

-Aadhaar Card/Aadhaar Enrolment ID (if not available, other photo identity proof and Address proof mentioned below should be provided)
-Permanent Account Number (PAN)
-Passport size photograph
-Photo identity proof – Voter’s identity card, Driving license etc.,
-Address proof – utility bills, passport copy etc.,
-Bank details – canceled cheque/account statement or passbook showing name and IFSC Code of the bank branch where you want to receive all your EPF related money. (Chalan will be issued if EPFO account linked with Bank is not available).

UAN Login

UAN login is a user ID and Password authentication process. It allows a user to access their Universal Account Number (UAN) online, to view their account information, such as contributions, as well as to manage their account.

It is important to register and activate your UAN account in order to experience all the benefits it offers. Let’s go ahead and look at the process of UAN login activation and registration.

UAN Login Process

Universal Account Number (UAN) is an important identification number issued by the Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) to all its members. The UAN portal makes it easier for EPF members to access their EPF account-related information and services online.

Through the UAN portal, a member can maintain and manage his/her PF account details, check the passbook balance, submit claims and more. Moreover, each EPFO member is provided with a unique UAN that remains unchanged whenever he/she changes employment, thereby making life simpler for him/her.

The following steps should be taken in order to login into the UAN portal:

1. Visit the official website of Epf India at
2. Click on ‘Our Services’ link and then select ‘For Employees’ tab followed by clicking on ‘Member UAN/Online service(OCS/OTCP)’ option from the drop-down menu list.
3. A new page will be open, click on Member e-Sewa tab from the left navigation bar on this page .
4. Select your EPFO Office State from given list as shown in below image, enter your registered Mobile Number or email id in given blank field and click on Get Authorization PIN button as mentioned in below image .
5 Login by entering your authorization PIN or OTP which you have received via SMS or email after clicking the get authorization PIN button, enter valid PF number and based upon this detail some other required details such as name , DOB etc., will auto fill in given boxes then same need to acknowledged by appropriate tick mark as shown below . If you don’t know uan no than click at I don’t know my UAN option .

6 Finally click at Activate / Link now button located below of all details fill page , within few second your Epf account get activated successfully and connected with your registered Mobile No & Email address . That’s it !!

Steps for UAN Login

UAN stands for Unique Account Number and it is a 12 digit number allotted to all EPF members by the Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO). This number makes PF account management easier and more convenient.

With your UAN, you can check the amount you have in your EPF account, access information related to different claims and apply online for any kind of PF advances or withdraws. It is important that you know how to successfully log in to your UAN member portal via the official website of EPFO India. Follow these steps:

1. Visit the official website of EPFO India at
2. Click on ‘Our Services’ tab at the top of page and select ‘For Employees’.
3. On the following page, scroll down a bit and look for ‘UAN Member Portal’ under ‘Members Portal’ section on left-side column of page.
4. Upon clicking on it, you will be redirected to login page where you will have to enter your UAN Number and Password which was provided during registration process with EPFO Office when you started working with employer who contributes monthly EPS/PF fund under The Employee Provident Fund & Miscellaneous Provision Act 1951/1952 (on behalf of every employee).
5. Once entered correctly, simply click on ‘Login’ button appearing near bottom right corner so as to proceed further towards accessing your individual Universal Account Number online dashboard activities like raising online claims either for withdrawal or transfer between accounts etc .
6. Safely exit after completing all required activities viz view accounts details or apply/raise new requests etc. from dashboard towards establishing Members Identity proof (KYC) by proceeding with self-verification via OTP received via registered mobile number/Email address method for successful authentication purpose wherein status accepted shall bring unlock ability option right at login window ahead itself!


In conclusion, activation and registration of UAN is essential for Aadhaar Integrated EPF members to get the benefits as well as to monitor the savings. The process is easy and seamless as it can be done in a few clicks.

However, if faced with any difficulty, please contact the authorities to help speed up the process. It is therefore important that every UAN member understanding these processes and start reap maximum benefits from it.

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