SSC CHSL Admit Card 2022 for LDC DEO Re-Exam Download at

SSC CHSL Admit Card 2022 for LDC DEO Re-Exam Download at

The Staff Selection Commission declared the Admit Card for the Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL) LDC DEO Re-exam 2022. So the candidates who applied for the CHSL LDC DEO can download their SSC CHSL Admit Card from the official site.

The SSC conduct the written test on the 23rd of July 2022. Now it declares the Admit Card on the official website. The Admit Card is the initial report for the seating in an exam hall. So the candidates download it.

SSC CHSL Admit Card

SSC CHSL Admit card 2022:

The Staff Selection Commission is known as the SSC. The CHSL is entirely controlled by the SSC. It is a government organization. The SSC conducts the CHSL (Combined Higher Secondary level) written exam for the post of Lower Division Clerk and Data Entry Operator.

The SSC conducts the examination every year. The main headquarter is located in New Delhi. When the vacancies are being created. Recently, it does the written exam for the post of LDC and DEO Re-exam and now publish the admit card on the official site.

LDC DEO Re-exam Admit Card 2022:

The SSC released the Admit Card for the posts of Lower Division Clerk (LDC) and Data Entry Operator (DEO) on the official site at So the candidates who applied for the LDC and DEO Pots can download their Admit Card from the official site. The Re-exam will conduct on the 23rd of July 2022.

There are a large number of candidates applying for this recruitment post. The Staff Selection Commission publish the Admit card for Eastern, Southern, Central, Western, North Eastern Region, and North Region on the official site.

SSC CHSL Admit Card 2022 at

Recently, the Staff Selection Commission declared the SSC CHSL Admit Card 2022 for LDC DEO Re-exam at the official website at So the applicants download their admit cards. The hall ticket contains some essential information about the examination. Applicants download their Hall Ticket to enter their registration number and date of birth.

• Name of the Board: Staff Selection Commission (SSC)
• Name of the posts: Lower Division Clerk (LDC) and DEO (Data Entry Operator)
• Exam Date: 23rd July 2022
• Post Category: SSC CHSL Admit Card 2022 for LDC DEO Re-Exam

How to download SSC CHSL Admit Card 2022?

1. First applicants encourage the official site at
2. Then search the link “SSC CHSL Re-exam Admit Card 2022” and click on that.
3. Then enter the required data and click on submit button.
4. Now download the admit card.
5. Take a printout of the hall ticket.

SSC CHSL Admit Card 2022

Official site:


SSC CHSL LDC Result 2022 – SSC LDC Result 2022 at

SSC LDC Result 2022 can be downloaded for the examination of the SSC CHSL LDC Result 2022 at & Updates are available for all those candidates who have applied to SSC CHSL LDC & DEO Recruitment 2022. If you have to apply for the same, then updates are available. And here are the details given for all updates. As per the official notification finally, SSC LDC and DEO Result 2022 were announced. So you can download it for the examination at

19-03-2022: Soon SSC CHSL LDC declares their SSC CHSL LDC Result at their official site

As we all know that across the country millions of the aspirants have applied for the same so to get your place is little bit tuff. You need to be well prepared for the examination. And for that, you should be essential details of SSC CHSL LDC & DEO Syllabus 2022. In case you are not aware of it then it will be too difficult to crack the test. After applying successfully for the test, you should get your SSC CHSL LDC & DEO Result 2022 from the official web portal.

SSC CHSL LDC Result 2022  – SSC LDC Result 2022:

Staff Selection Commission is one of the government departments that recruits candidates for various types of jobs. As it is the government department and all jobs announced by them are under government payroll, that is why there is an eternally tuff competition to secure your place in recruitment. A few weeks ago they announced the examination with notification on the official website And according to the required eligibility interested candidates need to apply.

It is hard to get figure out the number of applicants. But we can always say applicants will be in large numbers so to secure your place you need to prepare hard. We would like to advise candidates to prepare according to an SSC syllabus for

Written examination (Objective type):

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Written examination (Objective type):

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Staff Selection Commission has scheduled an examination for SSC LDC & SSC DEO on 1st, 8th, and 15th November 2022 at various authorized centers. Now, several days are left for the test, and finally, SSC CHSL LDC & SSC DEO Result 2022 is available for all qualified candidates. It is crucial for a test or we can say you will not allow entering into the examination hall without a hall ticket. Details regarding the test center, test date, your enrollment number, and your other details will be mentioned on your admit card at

SSC CHSL LDC Result from 2022 at

State/ UT Name Name of the Region SSC  Result 2022 Download
Andhra Pradesh, Puducherry, TamilNadu Southern Region, Chennai
Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Tripura, Nagaland, Mizoram North Eastern Region, Guwahati
Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh MP Sub-Region, Raipur
West Bengal, Orissa, Jharkhand, A&N Island, Sikkim Eastern Region, Kolkata
Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa Western Region, Mumbai
Haryana, Punjab, J&K, Himachal Pradesh North Western Sub-Region, Chandigarh
Karnataka, Kerala KKR Region, Bangalore
Central Region, Allahabad SSC Result Download
Rajasthan, Delhi, Utt Released North Region, Delhi

You should check out all details on your hall ticket. As well if you have any queries then visit the official website. You also suggested carrying your identity proof along with your all stuff as it is also essential for a test. To download your SSC CHSL LDC & DEO Admit Card 2022 you can visit the official website, or you can directly click on the given web address it will direct the link to the SSC Result.

SSC LDC SSC CHSC LDC pattern of the test was as follows:

Section Total Questions Level of difficulty Good Attempts Approximate time is taken (in minutes)
General Intelligence 50 Easy 42-44 35
English Language 50 Easy 43-45 25
Quantitative Aptitude 50 Easy 35-40 45
General Awareness 50 Easy-Moderate 15-20 15
Total 200 140-150 120

SSC CHSL LDC Result 2022 SSC LDC Result 2022

Invalid registration in SSC CHSL


Junior Engineer with Civil, Electrical & Mechanical candidate’s Examination 2022 is on 06.12.2022 (Sunday). So Candidates Try to cover all syllabi to the top in this exam.

SSC LDC Official website:

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