12th Pass Jobs 2022 Apply Online, Check Latest Govt Jobs after 12th Class (70000+ Vacancies Opening)

12th Pass Jobs 2022 Apply Online, Check Latest Govt Jobs after 12th Class (70000+ Vacancies Opening)

These days in the modern era of technology, everyone just wants to complete their studies as soon as possible. And after that, they are interested in getting their desired field jobs or starting a business into it. But in order to do such as well as to do more than that, you’re supposed to accomplish your basic education.

For that, the 12th Pass is essential, although it is not more it is at least required to get any government jobs.

If we go on searching for the latest govt jobs after 12th class, there are plenty of them and one can choose the appropriate one. For that, candidates need to have such interest in the respective field only with a certain, one can achieve anything. If you desire to get something, you must work hard to get it and the same is with government jobs in India.

Even most of the youngsters these days prefer to work while studying. Especially those who are completing their higher studies, they think of working and earning as well as paying their fees and also save some of that amount for them. To do so, here we are providing information regarding various 12th pass government jobs and other related information.

Basically, there are some specific fields and posts which frequently go on publishing their latest notifications that require 12th pass applicants. Even a few of these jobs invites even fresher candidates and provide jobs in various fields.

Government, as well as Private sectors, offer huge numbers of vacancies for 12th class qualified candidates. Here are some of the most popular jobs which also come under such candidates who have acquired their basic qualifications. So, whenever you come across any such departmental vacancies, you can get an idea about your relative posts for which you can start applying soon.

Indian Railways:

The railway department offers a number of vacancies from time to time and most of such recruitments contain basic level jobs. Such posts include Group C and Group D posts and they also provide various types of compassion added to the monthly salary. Even safety staff posts are also related to it.

Railway Protection Force:

Not everyone is aware of such a department, which comes under Railways of course but requires huge numbers of candidates to run it. Most likely, Constable posts are the ones that are required to be filled after every few months.

Skilled Drivers/ Technical Posts for Railway:

To run actual machines and manage everything about them, the department constantly needs skilled drivers as well as other technical staff to help them. Applicants need to have a certificate for any of such Trade Course/ Certificate Course qualifications.

And after that, they can apply for their technical posts. Trade courses in numerous fields are available to be done in a short period of time.

Department of Post/ Indian Post Department:

Just like Railways, Post is also a huge department and has its various branches and sub-branches spread all over the country. Postal vacancies including Postman/ Mail Guard and many Multi Tasking Staff posts are the time required to be filled. Applicants who have basic knowledge of computers along with the 12th class may apply for such recruitments.

Staff Selection Commission (SSC):

With tip up to so many government agencies, the SSC offers a number of vacancies to apply so many vacancies. As we all know, recruitment board such as SSC always has some kind of recruitment procedures related to numerous government agencies.

Different Multi Tasking Staff (MTS), Office assistants, Junior Posts, etc. are offered multiple times for numerous departments.

State Wise Police Departments:

Each state in our country has its own Police force and to manage manpower in the force, they are supposed to recruit fresher candidates. For such jobs, candidates with the right body and strength are desired. After they have been recruited, times they are given promotions, and their payment levels are also then increased with the passing of time.

Once you get the training and have the stamina to accomplish selection procedures, you’ll get selected for your state’s police department.

Medical Field Posts:

To assist doctors and surgeons, the helping hands of Nurses, Assistants, and Trainees are always required. For that, government hospitals, as well as private medical centers, intermittently offer recruitment notifications. Candidates can get a basic education in Medicines after 12th and can get such jobs with higher payment rates.

Also, medical facilities are available everywhere, so such vacancies are always in demand to be filled.

Engineering Field Posts:

We know that there are certain branches in the Engineering field, but to get basic level Engineering posts, candidates can get them. With help of some technical/ certificate courses, one can get to learn some specific Engineering branch work and can get relevant jobs.

Also on the basis of the 12th qualification, candidates can get admission into short-term ITI qualified trades/ certificate courses.

Hotel Management Posts:

With the growth in the food industry, such fancy places require qualified staff to manage their restaurants. Such hotel management courses have been so trendy these days. Even there are higher-level Hotel Management courses available to be completed. Starting from a low level to higher-level posts are available as per your qualification.

Banking Posts:

Posts such as Office Assistant, Junior Posts, Helpers, Multi Tasking Staff, etc. are required in banks. Private as well as Nationalized all types of banks require manpower to spread their branches and also to provide better services to their customers. Through various competitive exams, one can get qualified for such exams and get jobs in the banking sector.


Government transportation has also started to recruit Drivers, Conductors, and many other posts for maintaining their quality of services to travelers. For such posts, candidates who have required Licensed from valid RTOs and experience, can apply for driving jobs.

Road safety lessons and training are also given to such recruited candidates by keeping everyone’s safety in mind. Even Multi-Purpose Assistant Posts are offered by the state transportation department.

Defense Vacancies:

Numbers of National level defense departments of India including the National Naval Academy, the Indian Army, the Indian Air Force, the Indian Navy, and so on are currently working consolidated to protect us all. If you also have such strong beliefs and willpower then you can opt for such honorable posts in leading defense departments.

There are so many basic posts including Clerks, Drivers, Multi Tasking Staff, Assistants, Helpers, and many more.

Forest Department Posts:

To help conserve animals as well as forests, numerous forest ranger recruitments might have been in your sight. Such posts also offer quite an impressive career for 12th pass candidates. Even other posts related to the department also might be helpful to such applicants.

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